Become a New York Chapter Member
By becoming a member of NIGP-New York, you will be taking one of the first steps in promoting your career in public procurement and contract administration.
NIGP-New York is committed to its membership’s professional career development by actively supporting the Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) and Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO) certification programs which are administered by the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC) in conjunction with the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing and with the support of the City of New York As well as the NIGP-CPP administered by NIGP National.
Chapter members may attend NIGP-New York sponsored review classes as they work towards their professional certifications.
As a chapter member you will have the opportunity to attend local chapter membership meetings and interact on a one-to-one basis with other public procurement and contracting professionals.
Chapter Membership Meetings provide an opportunity for members to network with their colleagues and to discuss public purchasing issues. Attendance at these meetings qualifies members for re-certification points.
Membership meetings provide an interesting and informative forum that often features a guest speaker who will speak about a timely procurement issue.
In addition, members have an opportunity to ask questions and receive current business literature which pertains to our profession. Members may also exchange ideas with other members helping to resolve pending procurement issues.
Join us and become an active Participant in the interesting world of public procurement and contract administration
For more information about NIGP-New York, please contact membership committee chairman.